Be Strong and Courageous ( by Fenny West)

Be Strong and Courageous


Be strong and courageous

In the fierce wind and storm

Have faith and be joyous

Knowing, His kingdom will come.

Aim to fulfil His desire

Fighting the good fight of faith

Regardless of valley and mire

Press on from strength to strength.

 come comforter

You have all that it will take

Sown, buried within you.

So sleeping giant awake

And God will help you,

He will bring you through

The greater One indwells you.

He is your Comforter, Helper

Teacher, Guide, Strengthener,

Standby, Intercessor, Advocate.


Throw fear out the window

Be bold and be courageous

With the Holy Spirit flow

And your mark will be glorious.



I am with You always




Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.” Josh1:9

©Fenny West2012