The Dawning of New Era


The Dawning of a New Era


Ch: The Dawning of a New Era

A New Era in Jesus

The dawning of a new era

The dawning of a new era in Christ Jesus.


Behold old things have gone

New things have come

A new day is born

His kingdom come.



Ch: The Dawning of a New Era

A New Era in Jesus

The dawning of a new era

The dawning of a new era in Christ Jesus.


Forget the former things

Behold I do a new thing

Will you not be aware of it

Road in the wilderness


For no eye has seen

No ear has heard

No mind has grasped

What God has prepared ( for those who love Him)



The expectation of the righteous

Shall not be cut off

The righteous shall flourish

In the courts of our God.



All things work together for good

For those who love God.

For those who are the called

According to His purpose.





©Fenny West2012