You are Valuable To God ( by Fenny West)

You Are Valuable To God

You are valuable to God
And created in His image.
Pay attention to His Word
And you’ll see your destiny.

He paid a great price for you
Because you are valuable.
He emptied Himself for you
Because you are valuable.
He became a ransom for you
Because you are valuable.
Yes, the sinless became sin
Because you are valuable.
He took your shame and curse
Because you are valuable.
The Son of Man, Son of God went to hell,
He abandoned His seat in glory,
Abandoned His majesty,
All because you are valuable.
He was separated from the Father
came down to earth
Because you are valuable.
He died the death on the cross
Because you are valuable.

He took you from the ‘guttermost’ to the uppermost
Because you are valuable.
He cleansed you from your sin
Because you are valuable.
He broke the jail door to set you free
Because you are valuable.
He would leave the ninety-nine and go for the one missing sheep-you
Because you are valuable.
He made you an heir of God and joint heir with Christ 
Because you are valuable to Him.

You were bought with a great price.
So what should your response be?
What would your response be?

Give Him your all, 
Give Him your heart.
He raised you from the fall.
He gave you a New start
He gave you a head start.
He gave you His divine nature.
He made you a New Creature,
gave you the free gift of life-salvation.

Now make the most of it.
Now maximise your potential.

You are valuable to God
He created you for good works He foreordained.
He made you a co-worker with Him.
He made you an apple of His eyes.
He made you a priest and a king.
He made you a light of the world just as He was and is the light of the world.
He made you a saviour even as He is the Saviour of the world.
So go and shed your light.
Go and make an impact.
Go as His hands and feet.
Go as His voice.
Go as His representative.
Go as His ambassador.
Go to your Jerusalem.
You to your Judea.
Go to your Samaria
And then to the uttermost of the earth.
Go to the highways and byways.
Leave no stone unturned.
Go like the woman at the well.
Go like the mad man of Gadara who became an evangelist to ten cities-Decapolis.
Go like the Ethiopian Eunuch who went back with the Good News and spread it to Africa.
Go like the four lepers who went to tell others about the bread they received.
Go like Peter to the house of Cornelius and there was a household salvation.
Go like Joseph and fulfil your destiny.
Go like the three Hebrew exiles in Babylon, who honoured God and lived by faith even when their lives were on the line and changed the decree of the king and brought glory to God.
Go like Daniel, who distinguished himself in a foreign land and was used mightily and glorified His Maker and was entrusted with the end-time prophecy and was instrumental to the fulfilment of a prophecy in abeyance.
Go like Peter on the Day of Pentecost who preached so fiery and passionately that about 3000 were

You are valuable to God especially in these end-times. You are God’s finest wine in the last time.
So stand up and be counted. 
Arise and take your rightful place. Arise, shine!  It’s your time. It’s your season.
Yield a great dividend for your God. Eye has not seen. Ear has not heard, neither has the mind comprehended what God has in store for you.
Yield to the Holy Spirit and He will do exceeding abundantly, far above what you can ask or think or even imagine, according to the power at work in you.

You are valuable to God.
There is more to you than meets the eye. See yourself as God sees you. Do not demean what He has esteemed. You are unique and a masterpiece.

You are valuable to God!


Jeff Kubina on


Press on (by Fenny West)

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Press on

When you face the flab

That dares you to burn

Press on, work on, walk on.

Walk out without a doubt.

Don’t give up in the bout.



When you train and are tired, in pain

Press on. Soon there will be a gain

You too will rise and reign

So press on in spite of the strain.

Press on in spite of the disdain.


When have resit and resit, resit

And the end is not in sight

Get up and go and revisit

Press on, there will soon be light

Through the power of His might.


When you have composing and composing

And you have not made a song worth recording

Keep composing, your pay day is coming.

Soon and very soon you‘ll be singing.


When you face financial Goliath

And you are David daring giving it all you got

There is surely hope for your rising.

Be unrelenting. He will come falling.


When you keep practising and practising

And your fingers are aching, burning

Press on, the till will soon be ringing

And you will be dancing and singing.


When you have written and written

And you are not selling. Keep on writing,

Soon you‘ll be sleeping and selling.

Because you now have a story worth telling.


When you keep singing and sing and the till is not ringing

Do a part time job to keep the income coming

You need not starve before your pay day comes.

You need to keep afloat before your boat comes.


When you have a portfolio of houses

And they are all repossessed

Just learn the lesson: security and happiness

Is not in bricks and mortar.


When you are a millionaire

and all of a sudden you turn a pauper

Just learn the lesson: security and happiness

Is not in pounds and pence.



When all your friends pack up and go

Just because of the low dollar flow

It should dawn on you: you had no friends

Because they were just fair weather friends.


When the job you thought was for life

 Suddenly comes to an end

Then you know you can dream again.

Many a disappointed man, suddenly found a reason for living

Difficulty and adversity, introduced maturity and prosperity.


When your dream seems dead and now stinks

And you have prayed, asked more than you can you think

Remember Lazarus and his resurrection

Remember that Jesus is still the resurrection.

So you’re a candidate for resurrection.


Pressing Toward the Goal

12 Not that I have already attained, or am already perfected; but I press on, that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me.

13 Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead,

14 I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.


 28        And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.

God’s Everlasting Love

31   What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?

32   He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things?

33   Who shall bring a charge against God’s elect? It is God who justifies.

34   Who is he who condemns? It is Christ who died, and furthermore is also risen, who is even at the right hand of God, who also makes intercession for us.

35   Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?

37   Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.

38   For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come,

39   nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Rom8:28,31-35,37-39


Fenny West


The Journey of Madiba ( by Fenny West )

The Journey of Madiba

God is love

The Journey of Madiba;
From prison to president;
Astute freedom fighter;
Bold, courageous, valiant;
Importunate, unrelenting, adamant.
Champion of the down-trodden;
Beacon of those wrongly chained;
Bridge of the Great Divide;
Who swam against the Apartheid tide.

His freedom set others free;
His vision let many see
Vistas of regeneration-
A New era of emancipation.
Gave legacy- inspirational.
Had stature -international.
For this we can all be grateful;
For this we can all be hopeful;
What a life spent and well-spent!

©Fenny West

Blunderers Can Bounce Back ( Fenny West)

blunderers can bounce back

Blunderers can bounce back
Regardless of great fall
Despite hitting the rocks
And it seems so hopeless.
The answer is the cross
The way out is Jesus
Who forgives and restores
He did it for Peter
He can do it for you.

 You too Can Bounce Back.


Thought he was a champion
Thrice he denied the Lord
Could not believe he did
Nearly wept his heart out
He thought it was all over
Jesus came and restored
Gave him new lease of life
He accepted forgiveness
And put the past behind
The Day of Pentecost
Revealed a New Peter.


Preached a fiery message

 Bold and brave for his Lord
Flowing with the anointing
Thousands came to the Lord
He was unstoppable
And became a leader
Shadow enough to heal
Had no silver or gold
But what he had he gave.

©Fenny West2013