Run your Race of Grace Like Bolt

Run your Race of Grace Like Bolt


                         bold bolt  goes 4 gold 2

Run your Race of Grace like Bolt

Let no lightning or even thunder halt

Run with total determination and focus

Focus on the Author and Finisher-Jesus.


Run so well, avoiding every distraction

Run with face as flint despite opposition

Know that you know that God is with you

Know that you know that God is for you.


Yes, in this race of grace you may fall

But that is no reason for you to stall

You can get up, dust yourself and go again

With your hands in the hands of Jesus, you can reign.


 bold bolt  goes 4 gold

Know that the table will turn for you to win

So do not give up because of temporary coffin

You are coming out because of the resurrection

You are coming out despite this temporary suppression.


Come Holy Spirit; Come Comforter

Come and revive, renew and empower

Without You, I can do nothing

But with you I can do anything.



 run your race of grace like bolt

This is a gift for you



Striving for a Crown

24   Do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may obtain it.

25   And everyone who competes for the prize is temperate in all things. Now they do it to obtain a perishable crown, but we for an imperishable crown.

26   Therefore I run thus: not with uncertainty. Thus I fight: not as one who beats the air.

27   But I discipline my body and bring it into subjection, lest, when I have preached to others, I myself should become disqualified.



©Fenny West2013


The Business Race ( By Fenny West)


Business Bread and Butter (2)


Running the Business Race

As you and I embark on the road to fulfilling our dream, vision and assignment, we have good intensions. We are motivated to go for it. We need to continue to press on and not lose momentum and fall by the wayside. Life is full of unfinished business and projects; life is littered with a clutter of abandoned dreams that were shelved because there was a roadblock, a barrier or problem. That was why we needed to write down our vision so we could see it to give us focus; that was why we needed to have a business plan to discipline us to look closely at our vision to put some flesh on the bones.

Life is not a dress rehearsal. This is the real deal. We only get one chance! There is no reincarnation. Once you finish, you finish. You are not coming back. This is it! So go with it with a sense of destiny. Run according to the rules so you don’t end like Lance Armstrong or Jimmy Saville. You are made to win. Let your dream be big- bigger than you. Let it be more than bettering your life but to make a difference to humanity.  Leave a mark that is indelible, irrefutable, distinguished, incredible,

We are like athletes preparing to run a race. We need to train very hard, discipline ourselves, yield to the instruction and grooming of our coaches- our mentors. These are people who have gone where we have not been.

There will be challenges our journey. Let us be brave, courageous, bold at such times and not buckle under the pressure. Challenges can create untold chances. Challenges will stretch us and bring us into new threshold of strength unknown to us. Let us keep our heads down and humble ourselves to learn from those who have been established in their business.

Our business plan and vision statement are tools to help us focus on our dreams and avoid being sidetracked or shipwrecked.

We want, not just to start, but to finish and finish strong, not hobble up to the finishing line. We need to know how to pace ourselves so that we don’t run out of steam.

Let us help each other because we need each other. We need to see beyond the natural and see a grand stand of those who have finished and gone, cheering us up: ‘Go on, finish up, you can make it. We made it, so can you.’

Let us cultivate good habits that will move us forward, not backward. Let’s discipline ourselves, review our goals, vision and skills and think productively and positively. ’As he thinks, so he is.’

Let’s submit ourselves to a process of development. Being a champion takes time. It’s a process.

We have entered the ‘School of Hard Knocks’.  It’s not an easy road. Let us make up our minds to make it, despite the obstacles we will face. This preparation time is crucial to our survival and will determine whether we struggles, strive, or thrive.

In any race, a good start is very important. A false start can ruin your chances of winning. It can lead to your disqualification. It can give an edge to your opponent or fellow competitors. No matter what your dream is, you have competitors. I do too. What will make you stand out is your ability to let your uniqueness make you different. Do not start out to be a photo –copy of someone else, it’s taken. Be yourself!

Have the right gear in your race, the right tools so you’re not slowed down. Those who are well-prepared will seize any opportunity that presents itself. You don’t start preparing when the opportunity comes. It’s too late then.

Run in the right lane and in the right direction. Run with integrity. Run straight. Above all, run the right race. Do not run a race that your friend is running and making lots of money. Run a race that you are called and wired to run. That is where you will have fulfilment. Provision is in the vision.

Confront your weaknesses. Identify them and do something about them. Work on them.

Identify your strengths too and use them to move you forward. Have an honest appraisal. Don’t blow your top. Seek help where you need help. Have your priorities right. Don’t run before you can walk. Start small and build up gradually.

Know that there will be moments of disappointment. Things will not fall into your lap always. The bank may disappoint you. Your suppliers may disappoint you. Your customers may not pay on time. You will need to be prepared for such eventualities. You need to know how to handle such situations.  Cash-flow problem would stare you in the face from time to time. You need to know how to take a determined stance to avoid keeling over the precipice like the fiscal cliff that America faced. You do not passively accept everything that comes your way as “What will be will be.”. You may need to confront your enemy. Sadly, often the enemy is in us, Ene-My, INI ME’- the bad habits, pride, lack of organisation, carelessness etc.

We must learn to deny ourselves especially in the early years. Most businesses pack up in the early years because the owners were not willing to make sacrifices. Delay your gratification. Do not eat your investment fund.  Don’t look for a big car soon after you start or even premises. You can start in your house until things get better. Do not start hiring people to please the government because they gave you a loan. Know the implications of hiring people. Hire people when you are ready as not to go under. Hire the right people who have a similar vision, or who understand your vision and would add value to it, not people who just want a job to earn money.

Great Visitation Despite Vicissitudes

Great Visitation Despite Vicissitudes

dream 2 

Despite the vicissitudes

There was great visitation

 I am with You always

Despite the great trials

There were great triumphs

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In spite of the great tests

There were great testimonies.

 all things are possible

Regardless of the difficulties

There were many victories.

 Probelms are opportunities

Regardless of the barriers

There were great breakthroughs.


That is what life is all about

God is faithful without a doubt.

 Colleagues Applauding Senior Businessman

There is every reason to be grateful

Because He is good and merciful.

8     We are hard-pressed on every side, yet not crushed; we are perplexed, but not in despair;

9     persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed —

10   always carrying about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus, that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our body.2Cor4:8-10

©Fenny West2012

©Fenny West2012

I Can Demolish this Mountain


I can demolish this mountain

That stares me in the face right now

God will take me over it or around it

No matter what I shall not bow.



I stand in the name of Jesus

To see His salvation and deliverance

He who has brought me thus far

Will bring me to His remembrance.



And so I take authority over you

Every mountain shall be made low

And every valley shall be lifted

In the Name of Jesus, bow!




13   I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Phil4:13

20   Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, Eph3:20



       4 You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world. 1John4:4