Born a Beacon and an Icon ( by Fenny West)

You were born to be the head and not the tail- market leader, a champion, a beacon and an icon. Do not settle for anything less.

Therefore, do not frustrate the grace that is in you but increase your zeal and capacity by the power of the Holy Spirit, your Helper, Guide, Advocate, Teacher and Counselor. Enquire from Him how to go about anything each step of the way. He knows the end from the beginning.  He desires to see you bring glory to your Maker and your God.

Aim to give Him your best and He will give you the enablement so to do. Your sufficiency is of Him. You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. And as you partner with God, He will do exceeding abundantly, far above what you can ask or think or even dream of according to the power at work in you. He wants to work in you, with you and through you.

Acknowledge always that greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world.  And has come to always cause you to triumph in whatever you put your hands to do. So, take the limits off Him by expecting the best. If you can think it, He can exceed it.  Let this be your mentality and expectation. And the expectation of the righteous shall not be cut short or disappointed or short-circuited but surpassed.

Those that wait on the Lord shall renew their strength.  They shall mount up with wings as the eagle. They shall run and not grow weary. They shall walk and not faint. They shall see crystal clear from afar with an eagle eye. Yes, they will see beyond the seen- see through the eyes of God- and know what to do at every turn to get the most and the best out of their endeavours. Because of their diligence and quest for excellence, they will perform and head-hunted and not stand before mere men but amongst Kings, champions, leaders, chosen few and cream of the crop.

Prince of Preachers

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Prince of Preachers

Ebullient and excellent

Orator and pastor

Mentor and commentator

Reader and leader

Teacher, innovator, author

Business man, man of books

Sound, Stood by the word

Stayed true to his God

No matter whose ox is gored

Held many spell-bound

As he ministered the message

Of the Word of Life

From the Word of Life.


Had a tongue of purifying fire

That lifted many from the mire;

Gave you holy, godly desire

That charged you, lit your fire,

Ignited purposeful pursuit.


Stood against the hordes of hell,

Regardless of their disdain,

Vilification and persecution.

It all led to his promotion.

With a pen of a ready-writer

He was prolific like no other.

Impacted nations in a short span

Believed in a God who can

Do Exceedingly abundantly

the miraculous even from the ridiculous.

Wiped the tears off many faces

Propelled from the Throne of Grace.

Bold to take on lions

As a son of Zion.


Had a sickly smoking gun

That almost set the sun;

Shows how we must stand

 Give no room to wicked bands.


Suffered a lot, yet blessed a lot

Dead long ago, yet speaks daily

Was bruised a lot and so used a lot.

Had a bold bout with gout

But held on without a doubt.

You too can be used today

Like he was in his day

But you will be bruised too

You will be opposed too.

But you can set your face

Like a flint by God’s grace

But allow no smoking gun

As the race of grace you run.

Allow no little foxes bent on ruin

Lay them bare for Him to prune

Put no strange fire in your bosom.

Make no compromise in your storm

And you can go from glory to glory

And from strength to strength.



©Fenny West2013