The God of All Comfort, Comforts ( by Fenny West)

God is present Leaveing everything in god's hands hope in the Lord why worry  hope why worry  God is not unrighteous healing rising with healing in wings s91 1

God of all Comfort ( sermon and Songs)

God did not promise a joy ride in or Christian walk and race. He promised His presence and this makes the difference.  Because He is more interested in our character than our comfort, we must brace ourselves to face challenges in various areas. And when they come, we have the opportunity to exercise our faith, stand on the promises and pray the word. So doing we grow and glow from glory to glory, faith to faith, victory to victory and from strength to strength.

And part of the purpose of our comfort during those dark times is that we are prepared to be used to comfort others who face similar dark times that we faced. Unless you go through certain trials you will not be able to comfort others going through those trials. You may pontificate but you have not been there and that makes a difference.

The songs of comfort you will hear after this sermon came when I was going through my challenges. May you be comforted with the comfort with which God comforted me.

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