Rise And Soar Like An Eagle ( by Fenny West)

But those who wait on the Lord
Shall renew their strength;
They shall mount up with wings like eagles,
They shall run and not be weary,
They shall walk and not faint. Isa40:31

The eagle is the King of the skies just like the lion is the king of the jungle. And you are a king and priest on earth, called to reign in this life.

17 For if by the one man’s [a]offense death reigned through the one, much more those who receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness will reign in life through the One, Jesus Christ.) Rom5:17

Know that as a believer you are born of the Word of God which the truth, and so you are born of God which is powerful, infallible and is the reality of life.

23 having been born again, not of [a]corruptible seed but [b]incorruptible, through the word of God which lives and abides [c]forever, 1Pet1:23

We are to walk and talk in our world just like Jesus walked because as He is so are we in this world. He imparted His life into us and gave birth to us for His good pleasure. Therefore, wherever we go we should be His ambassadors, His mouthpieces, His representatives. The Words we speak should be His words. Just as Jesus said, “I do what my father does”, so it should be for us. His message is our message. When we appear, the world should see Him and not us. That is why as the light of the world, He also called us the light of the world, the salt of the earth a city on a hill, that cannot be hidden. 1John2:6, 1John5:11-12,2Cor5:18,20, Matt5:13-15

We are to reign in this life right now through the indwelling Spirit, because after His death and resurrection He came back to us in the person of the Holy Spirit. Christ in us the hope of glory. Rom5:17

We are to navigate the earthly terrain in the power of the Spirit. Just like the eagle is equipped to use adverse winds to soar to untold heights, so God has called us to use adverse winds to scale from height to height, glory to glory and strength to strength ( Ps 84:7). There is no situation that can conquer us. Jesus disarmed all principalities and powers for us and willed all He accomplished to us. (Col.2:15) All powers are therefore subject to us. They are under our feet.( Eph1:22) All things, no matter what they are, are working for our good ( Rom8:28). This is why we are not moved by adverse circumstances (1Cor15:57-58 2Cor4:8-9,16,18). We know that they are designed to lift us up to the next rung in the latter of glory; so we fight the good fight of faith. (1Tim6:12) We press on for the mark of the prize of the high calling in Christ (Phil3:10-14)

We are wise, as we navigate the terrains of the earth, to know when to retreat and wait on the Lord, just as the eagle waits and studies the wind current; waiting for the opportune moment to use the wind to its advantage and allow it to carry it to where it wants to be. This is when it soars and does not fly.

The Word of God, as we gaze upon it, meditate on it, we become more perceptive, discretional, insightful and sagacious and wise in our dealings in life, such that any decision we make takes us to realms of glory, excellence, creativity galore, success, productivity, accomplishment and advancement. We see where others do not see, see what they do not see and able to do things that are amazing, outstanding and incredible and breath-taking. Ps119:130, Josh1:8, 1Tim4:15

So, my friend, soar like an eagle; faint not in the day of adversity but use the adversity as university for upward mobility. Expect the Power of the Holy Spirit to surge through you and empower you to do valiantly. Expect Him to add His “super” to your natural and His “extra” to your ordinary. at such time. Because you know that all things are working together for your good. He is your advantage and you cannot be disadvantaged. He made you more than a conqueror and He is the Greater One who dwells within you, propelling you, powering you and lifting you over the hurdles, enabling to you to leap over walls and run through troops and making you a winner any day, anywhere in all situations.

Who satisfies your mouth with good things,
So that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s. Ps103:5

10-14 He found him out in the wilderness,
    in an empty, windswept wasteland.
He threw his arms around him, lavished attention on him,
    guarding him as the apple of his eye.
He was like an eagle hovering over its nest,
    overshadowing its young,
Then spreading its wings, lifting them into the air,
    teaching them to fly.
God alone led him;
    there was not a foreign god in sight.
God lifted him onto the hilltops,
    so he could feast on the crops in the fields.
He fed him honey from the rock,
    oil from granite crags,
Curds of cattle and the milk of sheep,
    the choice cuts of lambs and goats,
Fine Bashan rams, high-quality wheat,
    and the blood of grapes: you drank good wine! Deut. 32:10-14

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