Rediscover Who You Are In Christ ( by Fenny West

Contend for the faith delivered to us. Fight the good fight of faith. Know that it is a good fight because we have already won. We know the end from when we started. Why? Jesus has won the war for us. All we face are battles and He leads us in triumphal procession. We go from victory to victory and from strength to strength.

Know this as a child of the Most High God. Know who you are and whose your are. Rediscover your God-given mandate to have dominion wherever you go (Gen1:26.28). Know that the world belongs to you. You are an heir of God and a joint-heir with Christ (Rom8:17). Christ in you, your hope of glory (Col1:27-28). You are born to be the head and not the tail (Deut.28:13). Those who come against you in one way, will flee in seven ways (Deut28:7). You are more than a conqueror (Rom8:37). You are graced and highly favoured. All things are working together for your good. God is at work in you both to will and to do according to His good pleasure (Rom 8:28, Eph2:13). Angels are at your beck and call. Speak in consonance with God and they will be galvanised into action on your behalf ( Ps34:7, Ps91:11-12, Heb13:5,6)

Never take no for an answer. Stagnation is not your portion. No. Continually make progress, Go from glory to glory and from strength to strength. The path of the just shines brighter and brighter to the full light of day (Prov,4:18). All the promises of God are yes and amen In Christ Jesus (2Cor1:20). Know that for you, no failure is final. It is not over until you win. Press on, push on, bind the enemy and take what belongs to you. Dig your heels and fight until you win. The blood of the eternal covenant speaks better things than the blood of bulls and goats, than the blood of Abel. Thanks be to God who always causes us to triumph (2Cor2:14. Greater is He that is you than he that is in the world(1John4:4). Know always that you have overcome them(1John5:4). You already have. Now celebrate your victory! Glory to God!

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